Saturday, July 11, 2009

also the new ALC!

filled with all bangers i'd give it a 5 out of 5 




Ive have been waiting f0r this release in about 2 years n0w its here

get it! my p0d has not switched in to another album yet but only this one.

that's c0ke!


sheeeet is hard

                                                                                                                                               hell0 and wuddup f0lks 

i've been grindin my ass straight for bout 3 mnths

straight now. my p0ps introduced me to the family business and

w0rk is fckin hard. ive been wanting to quit almost every fckin day

i sp0ke with the man but he t0ld me to hang in there cuz he knows

im g0nna make it and it aint that easy to start a business

s0 if im gonna make it out of this im not gonna be an ordinary

empl0yee anym0re and i h0pe i can make it through.

cut the drama just wanna p0st some shit out hehe